Our Alumni Families are the best!!!
We keep them in our hearts because of the wonderful stories they were willing to share with us.
Every time we reach out to our alumni, the first words out of their mouths are “Let me know what I can do to help.”
They have given back to our program time and time again.
We are VERY PROUD to have had all of them in our lives!!!

The ending presentation at our annual film festival is Senior class clapboard. It contains the film name chosen to represent that class, year of graduation, and the names of the students that graduated from the IB Film Program that year. The clapboard remains at GHS in the film classroom. They are a very important part of our history.
How film helped me…
“Learning premiere pro is what got my internship at Alabama & my full time position at the Falcons. They both said they were looking for someone with not only coaches film skills, but also post production skills as well. It for sure helped me start off my career! Matt Hard 2011
“In my current career as a Professional Counselor at a private practice, I am starting to create more videos for marketing and online webinars and am excited to continue to use my film skills to grow in my professional career.” Sarah 2012
“When I got to college people… immediately realized that the program I was part of taught more that just the basics of film.” Caisa Charleston 2017
“I learned how to use a camera/editing software which is a practical skill I have been able to use to complete lots of college projects. More importantly, I learned a lot about my leadership style and how to work in a team.” Alumni 2017
“…I entered college…way ahead of my peers in terms of understanding what all goes into making short films. I used what I learned about writing, editing, & producing from IB Film to make friends & meet a wide network of collaborators at NYU.” Jessica 2014
“It helped me have a leg up…when studying on camera acting in college—I …knew the lingo and…the important terms and ways of operating.” Zoe Settle 2014
“The foundational material and technical skills I learned in the IB Film Program set an excellent precedent for a future education & career in the film industry. It was vital to learn how to work with a crew, balance artistic vision, and meet deadlines. GHS film gave me the training grounds to try, fail, try again, learn, and succeed; and there wasn’t a better feeling than seeing your film on the big screen at the film festival.” Holden Barnes 2007
“In a very, very, low quality sci-fi short, I convinced my history teacher to act in a dark robe in front of a green screen as a parody of Star Wars’ Darth Sidious. Funnily enough, that project gave me a good amount of experience in Adobe After Effects, which I basically use daily now. John Donaldson 2018
“Having the director of The Book of Life, Jorge Gutierrez, visit us during our Reel Owl Cinema (Film Festival) was awesome. I even meet him later with Diego Luna at a film festival and he immediately recognized me because of the event.” William Athas 2016
“I’ve made some life-long friends from being in IB Film. Don’t think I’d give that up for anything.” Annaliza 2007
“…at the end of the year was the ROC Film Festival…our on little night at the Oscars…never had been a part of something so…delightful; so unique…the fun I had, watching the films of my friends, &…other classes; seeing the quirky fruits of our labor…the different levels of quality, & technique…found to express themselves and their ideas.” Katie Yager 2011